Author: Sudha Mohan MVNL
MRP: ₹499.00
The present book Śivasya Kulam talks about the colonial narratives and distortions along with the actual dimensions of caste, untouchability and Dravidianism exposing the Christian onslaught on Hindu society.
It illustrates the deep and hoary traditions of Tantra and spirituality that underlie the several jati
identities of Hindu society. These identities are not the flotsam leftover from the wrecking by an
oppressive caste system as European Indology would want us to imagine. Rather they are
ancient and powerful identities with their own deep spiritual and religious traditions, never
divided from the vast and indivisible fabric that forms the Hindu society.
The revival of the Hindu national consciousness must integrally include the revival and
restoration of these multitude of traditions and identities to their natural relevance and vigour in
the Hindu national life.
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