Book Review- Denying National Roots

The book is meticulously factual and impeccable with referenceable citations.

The book begins with debunking communism in India, but when finished the reader is left with a feeling of witnessing a total annihilation of communism in India and elsewhere. The title of the book is aptly justified, although the book presents numerous other invaluable ideas as once reads through. We Indians may be diverse in outlook but are connected by our deeply rooted culture.

Book Review – Interrogating Macaulay’s Children

Numerous citations are provided which suggest India had a highly evolved society with deep knowledge.

The Author then astutely uses the references to the great knowledge system in Hindu society from the literary works of various western scholars to systematically refute arguments put forth in “Minute”. Some of these literary volumes from western scholars even predate the infamous “Minute”, which speaks volumes about Mr Macaulay’s erudition (or lack of it). It is established in the book beyond any reasonable doubt that Mr Macaulay whose insight on India is anyways a suspect, but his motives are rather ill-intentioned and full of deceit.