Samvit Kendra and Pragna Bharathi jointly organized the launch event of the book published by Samvit Kendra “Denying National Roots- Early Communism and India” by Author and researcher Sri Rahul Shastri. The event was held on 12thJan2019 at Badruka College, Hyderabad.
Justice Sri Narasimha Reddy, Chairman of Central Administrative Tribunal, speaking on the occasion stated that he never took communism seriously though communism produced some good intellectuals, but they diverted all their intellectual prowess towards wrong and negative causes. Hypocrisy and violence define Indian Communist Movement, and it refused to sync itself with changing realities and failed to serve humanity. No wonder they ended up being rejected all across the world. He recollected that China attacked India in 1962 though India was the first country to recognize Communist China as a state. India even gave up the permanent seat in UN Security Council and also conceded its Sovereign claims over Tibet. “Compassion is our culture, but communists filled Indian political space with violence and cruelty”. The book will help us call the bluff of Intolerance/Award-Wapsi Gang, the former Patna High Court Chief Justice, added.
Sri Gopal Reddy, Member of UGC and International Political Science Association, gave a brief introduction of the book and said this book presents the contradictions in Communism and cited popular communist slogans such as “Working men have no country but they should raise one”. And how these comrades behave like internationalists when not in power, but turn into Hyper-Nationalists when they taste the power, as we see in China.
All the speakers have lauded Samvit’s contribution to history research and stated that this latest offering `Denying National Roots- Early Communism and India’ is a seminal work, which examines the early evolution of communism’s attitude towards nationalism in general, and towards Indian nationalism in particular, and records the events till the period of 1930 culminating in the affiliation of CPI to Comintern.
Speaking about the book, Dr Rahul Shastri, the author of the book said the book deals in-depth on the relation between Indian communists parties and Communists International that Bolsheviks had formed in 1919. Communism failed to capture Indian nationalist movement because Gandhi was leading the movement and perhaps he deciphered their designs in advance.
`Samvit Kendra’ is a Hyderabad based institution with an objective to bring out the original research in the best interests of the nation, especially in the areas of culture and history and their relevance to the current times.